Revolutionising Recruitment: What makes a Hanning Recruiter?

26th September 2017

Revolutionising Recruitment: What makes a Hanning Recruiter?

At Hanning we are all about redefining recruitment and reaffirming excellence within the industry. So, instead of looking outside the box to outline what to look for when sourcing candidates, I wanted to start firmly inside it and explore the qualities that we, as recruiters, should be aspiring to.

Let’s face it, we work in a much-maligned industry – recruiters are regularly criticised for being overly insistent and pressuring candidates to accept unsuitable roles, focusing more on their bonuses than the quality of their output. But are these the kind of people I would look to hire at Hanning? Absolutely not!

We are committed to setting a new benchmark and I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t adhere to the same exacting standards that we demand of our top-level candidates.

So what do I look for when recruiting ‘one of our own’? Here’s a shortlist:

• Integral integrity: a huge part of the industry hinges on trust. We have to earn it from clients and candidates alike by ensuring that we act in their best interests at all times and after a rough patch in which the industry has faced criticism for being unduly self-serving, this will take time. I need a commitment from my team that they will always put others first to offer the best possible service

• Honesty is the best policy: sounds simple? Then why do so many recruiters get it wrong? This goes back to my first point about integrity. It’s not always easy to break bad news to a client or candidate, but if we aren’t telling it like it is, then we are doing everyone a disservice – not least ourselves

• Look to the future: good recruitment isn’t about short-term wins, it’s all about building long-term relationships. When I place a candidate with a company, I see the journey as just beginning and my hope is that ten years’ down the line, they will still be picking up the phone looking for my support. I want my team to focus on securing lasting, strategic partnerships

• Knowledge is power: how can you find the right candidate for the job if you don’t understand the industry? The founding team at Hanning have over 30 years’ experience of real estate – not just recruitment, but also working in both the commercial and residential sectors. Take time to get to grips with the business and you’ll be better placed to recruit top talent for the best roles

• Work experience: if you can find a recruiter with first-hand experience of the sector they’re working with, then you’re on to a good thing. And even if they haven’t worked elsewhere, I like to line-up some taster sessions with contacts so that they can experience the kind of roles and responsibilities they’ll be recruiting for within the industry. Sure, this takes a bit more time, but investing in your team will pay dividends in the long-run

• Role with it: I firmly believe that there is a candidate out there for every role – the key is in identifying the right person for the job. The best of the best will have a live network of top options on the books. They also know to look beyond the CV to find the almost intangible x-factor that is the final piece of the puzzle. A bit like dating, if there isn’t a spark between candidate and client, then it’s not likely to work – however good their credentials.

• I’m lovin’ it: the catchphrase of this popular fast food chain applies to every business, but particularly recruitment. If you don’t truly care about what you do, then walk on – there’s no place for you at Hanning. We are recruiting for a passion profession, where only the committed need apply.